The Wilton Hunt Photo & Shop

If you are buying Printed Photos from more than 1 gallery, you will have to pay the £4.65 P&P for each gallery.

(Pixieset won't let you combine galleries or carts)

We can not change this, so recommend if you want to purchase lots of photos from different galleries, you buy them as download and then get them processed using another Photo printing site

ie Photobox.  

It does require a bit more effort from you, but could be worth it, if you are buying a seasons worth of photos

We have some superb photographers in our midst who can usually be seen at most meets with their cameras ready to catch classic leaps, dramatic falls and memorable scenes.  The result is a stunning collection of photographs available to all to purchase.



Click here to see and purchase photos


Due to storage limits photos cannot be held indefinately so make sure you view and order your photos without delay.


Do email us if you want a specific photograph taken or have a question! 


Kind volunteers manage the site and take many of the photos themselves. We always welcome new photos and phographers so if you have taken photos which could go on the website please email them.


This photo website raises valuable funds for the hounds so please have a look and see if you have been captured on camera.


A huge thank you to our photographers past and present.




Aud Scott Hopkins - photographer extraordinaire
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© The Wilton Hunt